Juice Fasting: When the Fritos Came A-Calling

WARNING: The following video contains a fair amount of profanity. Usually, it is my policy not to swear in my vids, but today I needed to make an exception. Y’all needed to feel the full weight of the attack I was subjected to this weekend! It was HORRIFIC! It was SHOCKING! It was…FRITOS

Let’s get into it! 

12 thoughts on “Juice Fasting: When the Fritos Came A-Calling

  1. best video ever! yes yes.. those damn justifications. mine is.. well if I only eat a few its ok cause i usually eat the whole bag… grrr step away from the chips

  2. Thanks for the warning about the “fair amount of profanity.” Because of that, I chose to not watch this video. I am sorry you feel the need to use that kind of language to express yourself. I feel I need to say this so you will know that profanity is a drawback to at least some of your blog readers and hurts the message you are trying to share.

    • I hear your point, BJ. However, I disagree with you. The message I am sharing is that juicing is sometimes wonderful, sometimes difficult, ALWAYS worth it, and ALWAYS real. The cravings I dealt with this weekend were overwhelming and the feelings I had – that I expressed with some profanity – were real, and I am always transparent in my vids about what I’m going through. Since I never swear in my videos, I figured that one video with an F-bomb or two wouldn’t hurt. If you miss the message because you’re distracted by the profanity, that’s a shame.

  3. Carla, great video. What I love about your videos is your honesty. You always tell it like it is and there’s nothing wrong with dropping the F bomb to express exactly how you felt this weekend. Don’t ever censor yourself because others may not approve. Oh, and congrats on the Bean. So exciting :)!!

  4. LMBO………OMG you had me rolling! “If I leave the house, I’m Fritos Bitch” I love that! and yes….just Breathe and drank that juice. You inspire me!

  5. Thank. You. For. This! Have been feeling the exact same way – and when friends ask me how the cleanse is going, I feel like I need to say ‘wonderful’ even when it ‘aint. Especially when alot of them are dubious about the process already. Had a Fritos day last week. (Only mine was for Doritos – we don’t have Fritos in Australia – though I presume they’re kinda the same thing) Only just f***ing made it out alive. Keep doin’ it, lady. You’re fabulous….xx

  6. Carla, I tried to order you juice fast ebook yesterday before the price increase through PayPal. It didn’t go through. I then ordered an ebook right after that from another website and got it right away. Can you help me? Btw, my name is also Carla. Thanks so much! Love your videos and Facebook posts!

  7. Carla, you are so inspiring. I don’t mind the F bombs as well. I feel I can relate to you because you speak like a normal person who feels all the things we feel. I must say you are the most enjoyable person to watch and listen to. Some people have really important things to say but I get totally bored and have to force myself to watch them so I can learn from them, you however do not bore me to tears. I even purchased your app for my Iphone and I Love, Love, Love it! Keep up the fantastic videos and my special thing that keeps me focused is that “I am not going to be a fat vegan”. I want to inspire people too by my actions. Peace Babe!

  8. I remember that moment! I was on day four when I fasted last year. I had a HUGE wave crave for black olives. There was a nice can of them in my pantry, and all I wanted to so was punch the door because I wasn’t going to have it. I’m cheering for you and your fasting! ^_^

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