Juice Fasting and Weight Loss: Why You Are Not Losing Weight

100-days weight loss check-in! Drumroll, please…16 pounds released so far, folks. SIX-TEEN-PAOWNDS as of Day 10! Yowza! Snoopy Happy Dance! Now, back to our regularly scheduled program.

The title of the blog post says it all, doesn’t it?

I knew that last week’s Weight Loss Expectations video would kick up some dust…but I don’t think I expected the onslaught of questions I got in response! The biggest question/complaint? “I’m not losing any weight/my weight loss has stalled!”

I know it’s hard when you’re not seeing the results you expect. However, if you are not releasing the pounds while on a juice fast, there are four main reasons:

1. You aren’t drinking enough juice.
2. You aren’t drinking enough water.
3. You aren’t flushing out the toxins that are being released into your system.
4. Or…your body is busy with other cleansing activities.

Juicing is uber-simple, folks. Drink the juice and the pounds WILL come off! However, you have to give it a chance to work. Bottom line: STICK WITH IT. It didn’t take you five minutes to gain the weight…why do you expect it to leave you (permanently) in that amount of time?

17 thoughts on “Juice Fasting and Weight Loss: Why You Are Not Losing Weight

  1. I need your help Carla. I am new to this juicing. I want to do a 10 day fast. I have tried a few green juices, but they were TERRIBLE. Yuck and they went down the drain. I followed two of Joe Crosses recipes. I think it was the kale, because all I could taste for ages after was kale, and it made me feel very sick. Can I replace the Kale with something else? . :-)

    • Of course you can replace the kale, hon! Any of the leafy greens can be used as a substitute. You will find that Swiss chard, spinach, romaine – even green cabbage – are going to be smoother, milder subs for kale. Also, hon…why are you just following TWO recipes? You know there are tons of juice combos you can try, right?

  2. Thank you Carla. This video is what I needed. I am on day 7 of a 21 day cleanse. And I was getting discouraged. Especially re the weight issue. I did a 14 day cleanse last year and felt I saw more dramatic results. Your advice hit it right where I needed it, thanks. Also, I have read that deep cleansing/detox happens after the 21 day mark, do you think that is true? Is a 21 day cleanse substantially better than a 14 day cleanse followed by juice plus food? Thank you!

    • I don’t know about “substantially” better, however, every day you allow your body to rest is a great one. And yes, I have also read that a deeper cleansing begins around the 21-30 day mark.

  3. Carla, bought both your Ebooks on amazon.com & your iphone app. LOVE LOVE LOVE them. I am a total newbie to juicing. I own a low grade juicer (doesn’t do leafy greens great) and a nutribullet. I haven’t started my juice fast yet, missed the boat on JuneJuice :(, I am going to transition into it this week, salads, fruits, veggies & then next Thursday start. Just wanted to introduce myself and thank you for all you’ve given to the community. I’ve tried for several years to do this & have always been confused and therefore, not successful. I really believe this time I can do it aimed with all of your experience & knowledge. I do have a question though, I’m thinking of putting my fruits that I can’t get in season (hence store bought frozen and organic) and all my leafy greens into the nutribullet and blend them and the strain them, and them add it to the juice I juiced everything else with my juicer. I think this will work, would love your thoughts on it? I’m aiming for a 7 day juice fast, when I get there i’ll do another 10 days and evaluate after that. My prize at the end is a new juicer. Thoughts? What do you use? I just want to get healthy. I’m 5’5″ and weigh 137. Just want to cleanse my body of all the years of toxins and if the weight comes off as a bonus that would be great, if not, at least I know I’m healthier than I was yesterday. Thanks again for everything & I look forward to sharing this journey with you :)!! Jo

  4. Thanks for all the great posts and advice! My juce fast has even convinced my husband to join me. One question regarding the flush part, how often is it recomended? Not quite clear on that! Thanks for all of the support and wisdom!

  5. I became a raw food vegan and started jucing in January 2013. By Mar I had gone on and off the proper jucing 3 times. Once I stopped eating the wrong thing I went from 135 lbs to 105 lbs. I am a bit smaller. But I am hungry. I eat 2 meals a day and juice 2 times a day. I am an older person. Being low income I can’t buy the amount of food I want. Gee

    • Geraldine: have you tried shopping for your produce at International or Asian markets? Their produce is so much more affordable than regular grocery stores, and the abundance and variety of fruits and veggies is amazing!At an Asian market, I can usually buy a week’s worth of produce for juicing for about $60-70…$50 if I’m really pinching my pennies.

  6. Gosh your skin looks amazing! Thanks for the encouragement. I have been doing this juice reboot & not really losing much- 10 days in. I realize now that even though I was following the recipes, for whatever reason, there is no way I am ending up with enough juice. Probably just over half the 64oz you just mentioned. Geez. Will try to go at this again & see where it goes. Thanks again!

  7. I am now 370 ibs and I have Type II Diabetes. I have been juicing for 14 days now and have only lost 10 lbs. I am extremely disappointed. I have been drinking three 24 ounce glasses a day. I’m going to take your advice and drink more water and look into a colonic but I am really frustrated with the fact that I am not seeing a more significant loss. I appreciate your video. Very encouraging but I still am really worried that this just isn’t working.

  8. Hi Carla love your videos so inspiring .. I bought your book.. Havnt lost any weight I’ve been on the fast for 5 days and I actually gained 1 pound! Could it be that Iam juicing too many fruits ? Too much sugar ?

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