About Raw Raw Life!

Here at Raw Raw Life!, we believe in YOU.

  • We believe in the healthy, vivacious life you can have and that you want enough to come play with us. (Yes, here at Raw Raw Life!, we know it’s GREAT to play with your food! Fun is its own fuel!)
  • We want to empower you to empower yourself.
  • We’re here to support you in falling in-love with your whole self and your whole life.
  • We LOVE getting the chance to cheer you on as your realize your ultimate potential.

Yes, leading a plant-based (or even a mostly plant-based) lifestyle is phenomenal for your physical health. Even beyond that, though, it’s fantastic for your mental, emotional, and spiritual health! It’s proven that we are what we eat. Why not join us on a veg-e-volutionary adventure that can increase your health and empower your life? Together, let’s put the love of health back into our love of food!

Eat love. Feel love. Act love. Be love. THAT’S a way to live love and love life… from the inside, out. And THAT is the path of a RAWSOME Raw Raw Life!

Here’s to our juicy, joyous lives!

About Carla

How Raw Raw Life! Was Born…

After years of trying and failing at conventional, “lose weight fast” gimmicks, I finally ditched the diets and picked up the plants!  In that moment, I also decided to divorce my Type-A Virgo personality (well, some of it!) and stop waiting until everything was perfect to start my journey to being healthy.  Starting exactly where I was – then falling, failing, and freaking out along the way – I’ve lost 60 pounds (thus far); shed most of my fast food addiction; and embraced my discovery of a love for real food I can fix quickly.

Here’s the best part:  I figured out that sustainable healthy eating is a RAWsome way of way of treating my body to a daily dose of love!  So – by treating myself to great food – my body gets what it needs to love me right back by returning to its optimal, natural, state of health.

Raw Raw Life! is my way of sharing as many of my lessons – around struggling to find a sustainable-yet-yummy way to eat healthily – with as many people as I possibly can.

Who Am I In My Raw Raw Life! World

My name is Carla Douglin.  I’m someone who has looked all around for ways to finally, FINALLY feel satisfied with my food, my body, my health, and my life.  I’m someone who has continuously started and stopped and started again.  Most of all, I’m someone who realized that the real root of all my issues with loving my whole self could be healed through loving and eating real, good food.

If you relate, then – in short – I am your biggest cheerleader. It’s my PRIVILEGE to be your cheerleader.  I know you can do this because I did… and I’m excited to do this with you!

And Outside of My Raw Raw Life! World…

Female. Boston-born.  Movie fanatic.  Current Washingtonian.  Obsessive “Words With Friends” player.  Blogger.  Author.  Netflix junkie.  Loves Stevie Wonder, Stone Temple Pilots, Hall & Oates, Nina Simone, Red Hot Chili Peppers, and “I’m Your Boogie Man” by KC & the Sunshine Band.  Aspiring 100% raw foodie.  Current juice faster.  Bald.  Wants an “I Heart Tim Gunn” t-shirt.  Cinema enthusiast.  Has dreams of moving to London.  Wants one more tattoo.  Wants no more piercings.  Happy… and did I mention I’m a movie fan?