Juice Fasting: When the Fritos Came A-Calling

WARNING: The following video contains a fair amount of profanity. Usually, it is my policy not to swear in my vids, but today I needed to make an exception. Y’all needed to feel the full weight of the attack I was subjected to this weekend! It was HORRIFIC! It was SHOCKING! It was…FRITOS

Let’s get into it! 

Juice Fasting and Weight Loss: Why You Are Not Losing Weight

100-days weight loss check-in! Drumroll, please…16 pounds released so far, folks. SIX-TEEN-PAOWNDS as of Day 10! Yowza! Snoopy Happy Dance! Now, back to our regularly scheduled program.

The title of the blog post says it all, doesn’t it?

I knew that last week’s Weight Loss Expectations video would kick up some dust…but I don’t think I expected the onslaught of questions I got in response! The biggest question/complaint? “I’m not losing any weight/my weight loss has stalled!”

I know it’s hard when you’re not seeing the results you expect. However, if you are not releasing the pounds while on a juice fast, there are four main reasons:

1. You aren’t drinking enough juice.
2. You aren’t drinking enough water.
3. You aren’t flushing out the toxins that are being released into your system.
4. Or…your body is busy with other cleansing activities.

Juicing is uber-simple, folks. Drink the juice and the pounds WILL come off! However, you have to give it a chance to work. Bottom line: STICK WITH IT. It didn’t take you five minutes to gain the weight…why do you expect it to leave you (permanently) in that amount of time?

Juice Fasting: Getting Past the Hunger

So. It’s 2:30 on Day 4 of your juice fast. You haven’t had a juice since 11:00 AM, and now, your brain is running rampant. You’re thinking about ice cream. You’re thinking about short ribs. You’re eyeing your kid’s bowl of Cheerios, shooting her a dirty look and contemplating ways to justify stealing it away. You’re thinking…”I’M STARVING!”

Here’s some news for you. You are NOT starving. You may be hungry, but you’re not starving.

The thought of being hungry is one of the scariest things people think of when contemplating a juice fast. However, the hunger is a temporary feeling, and not necessarily your BODY experiencing hunger, but your mind screwing with you. After a few days, all that calms down and the cravings go away (trust me on this). Until then, people who have trepidation around being hungry may be distracted by random thoughts of fast food, funnel cake, or foods they haven’t had in years. That’s when the panic tends to set in.

(Side note: being on Day 4 myself, I had forgotten how much I absolutely enjoy the feeling of an empty stomach! It’s almost peaceful. Seriously. I used the word “peaceful”.)

Let’s talk about mind hunger versus body hunger, how to tell the difference between the two, how your past habits play into how much your mind messes with you, and how to trick your brain into always wanting to reach for juice. Yeah, I said “trick”. You gotta do what you gotta do to get through the beginning of a cleanse!